Development of a Technology to Visualize All Kinds of Conversations by Focusing on Quantitative Information
2019 INNO-vation Disruptive Challenger
Currently, the three largest causes of death are cancer, stroke, and heart disease, which are all influenced by daily lifestyle habits. One of the biggest issues with lifestyle-related diseases are, 1. the difficulty of finding symptoms, & 2. even if treatment has begun, it could be interrupted due to poor symptom detection. This research aims to make use of entertainment, such as games, in combination with sensory devices to cast a wide net of support in the acquisition and maintenance of behavioral change in healthy living. With this proposal, we developed a range of games such as "Unkore," a game that requires daily input of defecation information to help give a rewarding experience for those who find it uncomfortable to consult a physician directly.
CEO, omniheal.Inc; Doctor
Yousuke Ishii graduated from Kochi University in 2010 and is the CEO of Omniheal, Inc. as well as the Chairman of the Japanese Unko [Poop] Society (Unkogakkai), the co-representative of Ouchino Meguro Clinic, and the representative of the Akihabara Save Clinic. While performing surgery as a gastrointestinal surgeon, he felt there were issues in early detection of colorectal cancer and decided to develop "Unkore" and the Japanese Unko Society, aiming to offer medical information in a more enjoyable way. In addition, he enrolled at the Digital Hollywood University Graduate School and also holds a Master's degree in Digital Content management. He has worked as a medical engineer at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) as well as being a consultant for Hays plc.