Development of a Technology to Visualize All Kinds of Conversations by Focusing on Quantitative Information
2018 INNO-vation Disruptive Challenger
Though the automation of egg production has been progressing, skilled workers who separate male and female baby chicks are still essential. As the populations in Southeastern Asian countries such as India and Indonesia grow, so does the demand for low-cost, high-nutrition eggs accessible to a range of religious beliefs. Training specialists in this field has started to become a challenge. Expanding the production of eggs, which are a vital source of protein, will help realize the solution of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) #2: Zero Hunger.
CEO, Denmark Co., Ltd.
Yusuke Nakano was born in 1975 and attended both Waseda University (Faculty of Political Science and Economics, 1998) and Kagawa University (Master of Engineering, 2003). Nakano founded Denmark Co., Ltd. in 2000 and is currently the president and CEO. In the following years, Nakano has made other fantastic achievements: 2010, Contracted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Strategic Information and Communications, R&D Promotion System (SCOPE) 2011, Japan Science & Technology Agency: Adopted Research REsults Optimal Deployment Support Program (A-Step) 2017, Adopted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, for a project to promote regional revitalization with advanced technology. 2017, ABB YuMi Cup 2017 finalist 2018, ICT Business Model Discovery & Announcement National Convention: Won the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency Director-General’s Award