Development of a Technology to Visualize All Kinds of Conversations by Focusing on Quantitative Information
2018 INNO-vation Disruptive Challenger
In this proposal, we will carry out activities to further improve and spread the 'Incontinence Experience Device', which gives the sensation of urinary incontinence to the user. Although the current Incontinence Experience Device can realistically reproduce the sensation of urination, it does not sufficiently reproduce the internal human mechanisms, such as the urge to urinate and the accompanying kinetic sensations. Therefore, we seek more effective urinary presentation methods including physical approaches such as cooling and electrical stimulation to give an immersive experience using VR technology. In addition, we will promote the miniaturization and modularization of the device in order to verify the usage and effectiveness of the device and propose examples of application in cooperation with fields such as the medical, nursing, and entertainment industries.
2nd Year Doctorate Program, The University of Electro-Communications
Kajimoto Laboratory, The University of Electro-Communications, D2. Established the “Incontinence Study Group” in 2014, and has since developed incontinence experience devices as a representative. His specialty field is VR, especially elucidation of the mechanism of the tactile perception and development of haptics devices. Related URL: - Personal Page at his Laboratory