2020 INNO-vation Disruptive Challenger
As global issues become increasingly complex, the importance of being able to solve such issues through discussions with people with different ways of thinking is increasing. In addition, in our everyday lives, we have conversations every day in schools, companies, homes, and so on.
To realize rich communication through mutual understanding, the challenger has developed a technology for visualizing nonverbal aural communication based on auditory scene analysis and has provided it to schools and corporate training programs.
During the course of this challenge, I focused on a more casual "drinking party" as a new application of this technology. We then created "Gamiel," a system that visualizes drinking parties and activates communication.
Co-Founder & President, Hylable Inc
Takeshi Mizumoto graduated from Osaka Prefectural College of Technology (OPCT), and then received his Ph.D., M. Sc., and B.Sc. in Informatics from Kyoto University. He then worked as a researcher for Honda Research Institute Japan, Co., Ltd. In 2016, he co-founded Hylable.
He participated in NHK Robocon while studying at OPCT. He researched acoustic signal processing, robot aural perception, and animal behavior, especially visualization and mathematical analysis of frog choruses and human-robot ensembles. After founding Hylable, he developed Hylable Discussion, a product for visualizing discussions in active learning, and has analyzed more than 60,000 people.
For more information: https://researchmap.jp/tmizumoto