Development of a Technology to Visualize All Kinds of Conversations by Focusing on Quantitative Information
2017 INNO-vation Disruptive Challenger
Even if the world stopped CO2 emissions completely, global warming can no longer be stopped. I saw these words as a junior high school student and was shocked. Although there are various theories on the issue of global warming, it is essential to change people's mindsets One at a time. Therefore, focusing on the key to climate engineering, "managing the climate of the earth through the power of science," I have been studying ways to control global warming on the individual level since junior high school. More specifically, I'm talking about the development of a device that directly contributes to CO2 reduction. Following this theme, we will first take on CO2 collection technology and then try to add some value to the collected CO2. By developing multiple prototypes using these technologies,numerically analyzing their effects and then sharing them through a network, we can raise awareness of global warming countermeasures on the individual level by representing them visually.
Chemist & Inventor / Representative Director, CRRA
Born in 2000, this young chemist and inventor is the president of the Carbon Recovering Research Agency (CRRA).
Muraki is also a research fellow at the Frontier Research Center of POLA Chemical Industries, Inc. and a third-year student in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Tokyo. Even from elementary school, Kazumi Muraki began studying and researching how to solve the carbon dioxide crisis as well as human migration to Mars. He was selected for the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' INNO-vation Program in October 2017. Building on his research's success, Muraki passed the entrance exam for the Faculty of Engineering at Tokyo University in 2019. That same year, he was named as one of Forbes Japan's 30 under 30, Science Division, as someone who will change the world.
Despite ongoing study at University, Muraki has already founded his own independent company, CRRA, with the goal to stop global warming, save all 7 billion people on the planet, and work towards being the first Martian of mankind. His research includes, "Hiyassy , "" the Sorarin Project, "and the" Stratospheric Explorer'Mokumoku' Project. "