
Voice-Amplifying Mask | Wasted Creation

MUDA-ZUKURI /Wasted Creation / has a new take on masks. This voice-amplifying mask takes your voice and makes it louder, eliminating any volume issues arising from a covered mouth. Though, it might come at a cost...


Meet the InnoUvator

"Wasted Creation" YouTube Channel

2019 Disruptive Challenger, Marina Fujiwara

Using digital fabrication & open source IoT technology, "Wasted Creation" is developing "useless" products as web content. Products created up until now are sharred on social media and feedback is taken from users/followers. By using technology in humorous ways, new possibilities of use and aspects of technology can be discovered effortlessly. Rather than using rationalility to develop new ideas, these products are inspired by emotions and desires of the individual - allowing for a new perspective in technology development. The overall goal is to explore a new index that connects technology with society.
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